Category: Self-employed

Affordable Health Coverage for Virtual Assistants: Exploring Maxicare’s HMO Options

best hmo for virtual assistants

In the dynamic world of virtual assistance, freelancers and self-employed individuals often navigate the challenges of securing comprehensive health coverage in selecting which is the best HMO for virtual assistants. Recognizing this need, Maxicare, a leading healthcare provider, offers a…

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Embracing Success: Why Upwork is My Ultimate Freelancing Platform

upwork - my favorite freelancing platform

Finding the right platform is pivotal for a successful career in the dynamic realm of freelancing. Having explored various options, none have left an indelible “A” mark on my freelancing journey as Upwork. Let’s delve into the reasons why Upwork…

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Embracing Independence: The World of Freelancers


Freelancers, also known as self-employed individuals, have become an integral part of the modern workforce. This diverse group of professionals operates independently, offering their skills and expertise to clients on a project-by-project basis. From graphic designers and writers to web…

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The Best HMOs for Filipino Freelancers

Best HMOs for Freelancers

In this article, we’ll explore some of the best HMO for freelancers tailored to the unique needs of self-employed professionals in the Philippines. Freelancing in the Philippines has become increasingly popular in recent years, offering individuals the flexibility to work…

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SSS Calamity Loan Online Application

sss calamity loan online application submission

How to Apply SSS Calamity Loan 2020 Online? Before sending the application online, here are the eligibility requirements. Must be registered in the SSS website (My.SSS facility) to facilitate filing of online application. Must have at least thirty-six (36) monthly…

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